Build Trust with your ADHD Teen

"Build trust with your ADHD child and the importance of patience, knowledge, and structure with goal setting"
college success

Guide to Succeeding in College with ADHD

Heading off to college and wondering how you’ll cope with your ADHD symptoms? First, know that you are not alone. Plenty of people who have ADHD or its symptoms have succeeded in college.
remote learning

3 Tips for the ADHD Remote Learning Student

"Tips for ADHD students struggling with remote learning and how to overcome challenges"
academic probation

Understanding Academic Probation: A Pathway to Student Success through Academic Coaching and Clear Academic Goals

Academic probation can be a daunting experience for many students, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. Instead, it serves as a crucial warning that students need to refocus on their academic goals and seek the necessary support to get back on track.
academic coach

Hire an Academic Career Coach and Here is Why

DOES your student seem to have a never-ending cycle of distraction upon distraction? Do you just want to head them in the right direction in life?
adhd and autism

Can ADHD Be Mistaken for Autism?

"Understand the difference between ADHD and Autism and how they overlap"
succeed in school

7 Ways to Help a Child with ADHD Succeed in School

How to help children with ADHD in school depends on offering consistent support and actionable tools.
failing grades

Academic Probation: Your Guide to Staying in Good Standing

This is your guide to academic probation, how it can impact you, why you may be placed in academic probation, and the steps you can take to remain in good standing with your college or university.

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